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Swedish Education Data

Data about the courses and subjects of the Swedish gymnasium

A package containing type-safe (via TypeScript typings) and structured data about the courses as well as subjects of the Swedish gymnasium. Sourced from the open data provided by Skolverket, which sadly is provided mostly as HTML embedded in XML, requiring extensive data transformation.


This package is a type-safe structuring of the open education data provided by Skolverket at http://opendata.skolverket.se/

The problem with the source data is in part that it is XML (which can be solved using a good parser), but also embeds HTML-formatted rich text. This is the case, for instance, with the grading criteria. To extract criteria as structured rows and columns, one must do complex pattern matching and similar.

The repository also contains Jest snapshots of the output data, to guarantee consistency over time, as well as to get an alert when the data changes or make sure that changes to the processing code does not impact the output in significant ways.


  • Education
  • Data transformation


  • TypeScript
  • Jest